About Export Control Solutions
Tony Maxted & Export Control Solutions
With a career spanning many aspects of running a business, Tony Maxted, Proprietor of Export Control Solutions, became involved with export controls in the early 1990’s – initially as one of the founding Compliance Officers at the UK Export Control Organisation, where he carried out over 1000 compliance visits, to companies throughout the UK, ranging in size from sole traders through to the largest PLC’s and covering many industries.

Image courtesy of Martin Baker
Prior to leaving Government service in 2007, to establish his own consultancy, Tony was an Assistant Director at the DTI’s (now BIS) Aerospace Marine & Defence Unit, managing relationships with major aerospace companies, which again brought him into contact with export controls at a senior level.
Tony is a full member of The Institute of Export and Chartered Management Institute and has undertaken a variety of speaking and training engagements on export controls.
All this adds up to a thorough understanding of export controls, implementation in companies, the decision making process within government and the relevance to business operations, marketing and strategy. We are able to analyse applicability of the controls to goods (the ‘Classification’), technology, third country exports and those to sensitive destinations, advise on licences required and available (including wide range of beneficial open licences) and the measures necessary to ensure compliance.